Saturday, September 8, 2007

Food for thought

For once I have managed to think of a title which perfectly sums up what my blog is (hopefully) going to be about- the comfort of cooking.
With things looking very glum in the life of a Liliana (mother having chemotherapy, exams looming, disastrous relationships with members of the opposite sex), I came home on Friday afternoon and began to bake.

To be honest I am not really quite sure what prompted me into this highly uncharacteristic endeavour.. (yes I am aware it is on my profile, but that was really more the IDEA of baking than actually doing it..). As I cracked eggs, measured flour and melted butter, I felt an overwhelming sense of comfort, contentment and divine domestic deityness...

Perhaps it is the fact that nothing can really go terribly wrong when you are baking. Sure, your souffle can cave in or you can open the flour at the wrong end and turn your kitchen floor into a winter wonderland for your cat... but nothing earth shatteringly terrible can..
(at least it hasn't happened to me yet)

There is also the suspense of "will this work out" and "just how pudgy will i get from this 400g of butter", not to mention the incredible feeling of satisfaction at the end when you take a loving bite of brownie and don't drop down dead. It's quite a bonus too really that the kitchen will smell lovely and chocolatey for few hours as well.
Perhaps coming back to the nice image of a lady in her kitchen, mastering her domain is part of what makes baking such a friendly activity. For generations women have claimed the kitchen as 'their' territory... and despite that fact my school is radically feminist I am proud to say that I am happy to live in the kicthen once in a while and bake.
I like having magnets on the fridge, flour on the floor and a cat sitting in my sink :)

So to get to the real point of this blog: while going out can be incredibley fabulous too, it's not so bad once in a while to act homeyish and bake some brilliant brownies for your equally fabulous friends.

If anyone wants the recipe by the way, just ask so I can scout around for it and put it up in another exciting blog post- teehee..
And now to continue procrastinating!

Liliana xoxo

Friday, September 7, 2007

The first of many?

I would love to be able to claim that this blog was born out of some deep desire to spread "the good news" with the world... however that would make my nose grow and hit the computer screen. To be blunt, I am procrastinating (as I am sure most bloggers are) from studying. Which I suppose is rather silly. I'm sure that one day when I am 35 and living out of my second hand car eating McDonald's I shall very much regret this blog indeed.

However for now I am finding it quite exciting and interesting to start.

I hope that if you are reading this (yes you, dear dear reader), that you shall return someday, once I have begun my general commentaries about the sillier things in life. In fact, they don't even have to be silly- just life in general.
For example, did you know that monkeys in Kenya have been sexually insulting women and forcing them to dress as men to escape- I am being deadly serious- google it now.
Or another favourite topic of conversation: global warming.. I'm not a big fan of all the terror campaigns that greenies are going on with (I'm sure you most likely want to poke for saying that ) bur political things will most certainly be mentioned too!

At this point in time however, I just really want this blog to be a place where I can proclaim to the world the fabulousness/lunacy/ awfulness/wonderfulness of the different parts of life..
So for now, that is all.
Please do comment and please do come back :)

Liliana xoxo